
How can I digest the many influences and traces that shaped me as a person and artist? How can my body unfold quantum genealogies and unrealized histories? (Meg Stuart)

In her evening-length solo Hunter, choreographer Meg Stuart explores her own body as an archive populated with personal and cultural memories, ancestors and artistic heroes, fantasies and invisible forces. Discovering traces in the land of small things that linger around her body, Stuart translates them into a series of self-portraits. Experiences are cut up and spliced together on the editing table to reveal potential connections and forms, such as a cartoonesque body, a shamanist chanting ritual, or a noisy sound sculpture. Stretched onto different surfaces and ricocheting across media, interior states refract and resonate in a shared world.


Choreography and performance Meg Stuart
Dramaturgy Jeroen Peeters
Sound design Vincent Malstaf
Scenography Barbara Ehnes
Costume design Claudia Hill
Lighting Jan Maertens
Video Chris Kondek
Assistant choreography Ana Rocha
Assistant scenography Giulia Paolucci
Assistant costume design Kahori Furukawa
Assistant video Phillip Hohenwarter


Interview with Meg Stuart

© Iris Janke
© Iris Janke
© Maarten Vanden Abeele
© Maarten Vanden Abeele